Easter in Vienna!

Like every year, especially after the inauguration of ortoxe Romanian church in Vienna, in Austria established  thousands of Romanians and Romanian tourists who spend almost all the holy holiday of Easter in Vienna, attended the service on the night of Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a great joy and satisfaction for those in Austria to conclude the Lenten and Holy Communion in his own divine Settlement here in Vienna! Until a few years ago the whole community have a small church in the central district …

Romanian Orthodox Christian Easter is a very respected event here in Vienna by the Austrian authorities, the streets around our church is closed, traffic diverted, and the  police take care and make sure this great Christian event  …

All the guests were led Lucinel pension or guided towards the holy shrine in 1110 Simmering district, where the large square in front of the Romanian Orthodox church in Vienna, waited of Resurrection from Jesus Christ…